
endless possibilities for every need


endless possibilities for everyone’s needs

Quality standard which gets higher every day

3600 modules
annual capacity
Iso 9001EN
quality management system

Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2022: Cycling Tourism Complex
Our Competition for 2022 finally has come to an end. Take a closer look at the projects and what the winners had to say about their projects and themselves.
Modular Residential House
The first modular residential house in Lithuania that meets the A ++ energy efficiency class and maintains our high sustainability requirements.
McKinsey Report.
Speaking about modular construction we would like to share a very short review in trends and driving forces for growth of modular construction. A McKinsey Report.
Special lightweight modules for transport by helicopter
Our partner received an order to make lightweight modular houses could be transported by helicopter to remote areas where they will be built power lines and will need to build temporary homes for those who work there workers. You ask why by helicopter? Everything is very simple...
About us

Our Green Deal Policy

We are responsible not only for the quality of products that we manufacture, but also for the impact our processes have on the environment.

To protect our environment, we:

  1. reduce air pollution by implementing cleaner production approach;
  2. reduce by-product waste and emissions;
  3. optimize use of raw materials and energy;
  4. manage the impact our materials have on the environment;
  5. recycle and dispose of all waste properly;
  6. measure and revise our environmental footprint, aiming to lower it;
  7. prioritize suppliers that are equally environmentally-conscious.

We reach for these goals together. Our team members as well as our partners are encouraged to follow these principles jointly. We are proudly working under ISO 14001:2015

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